With that said it's no surprise I'm saying these words unless I have already reached this point past what I believe to be mediocrity. So far this season I have raced three times with only one positive outcome. Although this outcome was not personal I believe my presence has been known. I can, in the future be a force to reckon with.
Many changes are coming my way in the near future. I'm relectent to share these ideas yet because it is not set in stone. But if we never waited for good news then what would we have to appreciate?
A few updates....
Battenkill did not go as planned. I was racing well for the first 30-40K until my chained decided it was time to snap. The neutral mechanic was able to get rid of the broken link but by the time he finished the field was too far to chase. Ah amateur racing...Where is the team car when you need one?
Bear Mountain was another upset for the most part.
I had the most beautiful and hard working girl, in the feed zone.
So the day was not totally wasted. Early on there was a crash I got stuck behind and I used everything I could just to catch the main field. After a few attacks I found myself off the back not able to maintain the suicidal pace. Among other things I was seriously dehydrated and started getting leg cramps. But I kept going with a group of about 10 riders. We took turns working and for a short period actually we rode as if we thought we could catch up with the group. After another 40K or so guys would drop out but we would pick up other stragglers along the way.

On a more happy note I feel my body changing. Of course our bodies are always morphing but mine in particular feels different than it ever has. I'm learning a lot about the sport of cycling, especially this season since it's my first introduction into the "pro" ranks. My body feels strong and more able to handle the pain accompanied with racing competitively.
The Tour of Somerville is this weekend. Lets see what the future brings...