Now things are finally underway here in the Northeast for racing bicycles. Central park is filled with spandex bicycle aficionados at 6 A.M with something to prove. Central Park (Manhattan) and Prospect Park (Brooklyn) will always be home to those who need to prove their bike handling and sprinting skills. Now a category 2 cyclist in two years my best placing in Central Park is 3rd and that was in a 4 race! Every time I finish a race in these two locations I'm more happy to be alive with all the skin left on my body. Speaking of flesh, skin, and staying alive I'm heading back to the
Tour of the Battenkill. Last year I had a bad crash which left me in the hospital while two nurses scrubbed small rocks out of my legs, hands, and arms.

That was an experience I will never forget. Especially being on morphine, eating ice cubes and watching a Star Wars Marathon.

So this Saturday I'll be heading back to the dirt roads of Cambridge, New York. It's a great race and the promoter was the director of my team from last season. The race grew from it's first year of 200 participants to now over 2,000. It is considered the largest Pro/Amateur race in the United States. Usually with racing I try to stay away from superstitions, tales, legends, fallacies, and prayer.
But I think this season I need some type of cycling angel.

First year at Battenkill I was a Cat4, it was 80 degrees and my fourth race EVER. I had one bottle, no food, and got massive leg cramps after 30 miles. Somehow managed to get 19th overall.
Last Year CRASH.
This year? Hat Trick? NOOOOO!
On some other news I have decided not to finish my Masters, at least for now. I am going to start my own business. I'm not obliged to go into details right now considering I'm so broke donating sperm doesn't sound like a bad idea. I'll get back to the details later but lets just saying it seems like my calling in life. A way to homogenize life, sport, love, time, family, and community. It's going to take a lot of planning, support, but anything is possible in life. I'm the first to say

I'll update after Battenkill.
Be well Blog followers.